Woah, where did October go?

The past month has flown by! For everyone else too? I knew it would, which is why I’ve been a little stressed and anxious to get things done. Slow as ever on updating the blog, and adding photos. That’s never been my speciality, but the main reason is because the living room and such are still not presentable. I’d like them to be complete before showing them off, and we still have a bit to do. Mainly needing new wall hangings, pictures, etc. which requires extra $ because I want nice, new ones. Hope to have everything complete before the holidays, so the house will be ready for guests. Kyle and I cannot wait to decorate for Christmas! We wish we already could, and while I cleaned out the attic last week, we kept out one Christmas tree, so it’s already upstairs along with his year-round Christmas movie room, mood lights.

This week was our vacation. I didn’t end up closing my Etsy shop, because I got it down to like 1 order, which seemed manageable. I got a couple more on my trip, which was a good thing. Now I have t-minus six more days to get ready for my big craft show in Lebanon. I’m extremely excited and hope I do well. I have had more time to prepare, although I know I’ll be working right up to the last minute. Planning to do a name-change and new business design/concept as well kinda, so that’s exciting. Then I have two smaller events at GES and GHS I will be doing. Was going to sign up for two other larger ones, but they’re a lot of upfront cost, and I’m not completely sure how successful I will be and how much product I will have. It will be what it will be!

Oh yeah..vacation. We went to Destin, FL this week, left Sunday morning. Met Kyle’s mom and friend there and stayed in a nice, beach front condo. It was really nice, with beautiful French/beach decor, a really nice kitchen, and spectacular view. Roge and Stephanie were down too, with her parents, so we got to see them as well. Harper liked the sand, if she was sitting on a blanket and playing in it some. She got more used to it, but still never wanted to walk in the sand or her feet to touch the ocean. Daddy had to carry her around the whole week, basically, so he was worn out vs relaxed. With a 21 month old, there was little relaxing, although we did go to dinner one night, while she played with Granny. My best meal was a Hawaiian burger from McQuires, we got to-go and brought back to the room. Not sure if it was Kyle’s favorite meal because he ate later his in the car, while we were trying to get Harper asleep. She didn’t nap that first day and was in an awful mood..”jet” lag? Anyway, it was kind of funny at the restaurant, I had to pick up the food at the bar, so I stood there about 30 minutes waiting. The bartender finally offered me a drink on the house, which I had to turn down and say that I can’t drink. He asked if I was 21, and I said yes, but looked down at the huge stomach below, and gestured. “Oooh! sorry, I didn’t even notice.” He brought me a root beer in a kids cup. The week, overall was good. By Thursday, Harper was done with the beach, and just wanted to stay in the room and play on the iPad. We had planned to go to a nice dinner and then take family beach pictures that evening, but we decided to go ahead and head home rather than staying until morning. We attempted pictures of just us 3, but they weren’t cooperating and it was so bright we were just all squinty-eyed. Maybe next year! We definitely made some fun memories of her first time at the beach.  Pics to come… one day. I must say.. we were SO proud of her on the way home. We stopped only once and that was to eat dinner. She did awesome, and occupied herself with her dvd player, iPad, and napping. Yay! That means another road trip is in our future 😉

Harper is high-matenence, for sure. But she’s so much fun. She still has her fussy/mean/babyish moments, but she’s super sweet, loving and smart. She is starting to speak in sentences and phrases, that I find pretty impressive. I like to document the milestones. Some I jotted down from recently:

Be a good boy, Cooper
Little boy flying a kite
Granny eating watermelon, yes.
You’re funny, daddy!
Open the garage, daddy!
Harlow, Maxi eating cat food

She also is cutting a lot of teeth. I don’t even know how many on top and bottom, but several on each. Favorite foods are still hummus, yogurt, and pasta.. She likes cheese, drinks almond milk mostly, and eats guacamole, broccoli, green beans, cheerios, oatmeal, and fruit often. She loves graham crackers and teddy grams. We had to bribe her a few times with a sucker the past couple weeks!

The weather in Destin was super nice, and now we get back to this cold, rainy stuff. It’s official fall I guess, and time to turn on the heat. Oh well, I’ve been loving making soups and chili lately. And tried my first ever pumpkin pie. It was yummy! Hoping tomorrow will be nice enough to take her to Honeysuckle Hill Farm!

This is super long, I’ll have to do pregnancy updates tomorrow!

Better than winning the lottery!

We got NORMAL results back from the Down’s syndrome test! The new blood test is 99% accurate, so once I finally got the call Friday morning, we were very excited and relieved to know we have a healthy baby.

Oooh did I mention what we’re having???? It’s a BOY!


Mama’s instincts were right! Though we’ve been in love with the thought of having our little miniature Harper, a little sister, Abby Rose…maybe next time. A little boy couldn’t be more perfect! One of each will be such a blessing and definitely some fun, new experiences to come. And bring on the ball games, and some wild, energetic testosterone. Our house will be very evened out. I can’t wait to meet the little guy!

Biggest question: Have you picked out a name???

No! Naming is such a big deal to me, and Kyle and I already think naming this one is WAY harder. Now that we officially know it’s a boy, we will start thinking more, but nothing has stood out so far, for something we both agree on and love. I keep telling people it really may be February before we decide, but maybe sooner. Also if we decide on something we really love, I don’t really want to hear how many people don’t feel the same. Remember how long it took me to name Cooper?? I am VERY, extremely picky.
Our style: Sawyer, Knox, Lincoln, Bennett, Leo, Daniel, Henry, Liam…. Just to ease curious minds. Though, we’re both hoping to come across something else. And not “Gatsby” – Kyle’s latest obsession, hehe! (I told him we are not naming a cat.) Harper is a tough crowd to please as well. It’s funny to see what names she likes since “No!” is her favorite word.


The morning of: We got to our ultrasound appointment at 8:15 Thursday morning. The tech was nice, and asked if we wanted to know the sex, we said yes. After taking a few measurements, she went down that area, and we could immediately tell! Kyle said, “boy?” And sure enough.. there HE was. No surprise to me, but Kyle was! Our Facebook poll was about 50/50 on the guesses. Here’s his little profile! There’s a real baby in there. And I also alreadyyy have an “outie.” :-O We decided to go ahead and just text our families the news, after dealing with all this and since we weren’t going to be in town for the weekend.


So as if my 1/250 chance for DS wasn’t enough, once we met the doctor after the ultrasound, she told us we may be at an even more risk because of some of the head measurements. We didn’t ask many questions at this point, because we were still waiting on the test results, which should have been there at any time this week. She said we would go from there, but if they come back negative (normal), we will still be sent to MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) for a closer look and more in-depth sonogram, as a precautionary measure. Sometimes this is all normal, and I think my chances for a healthy baby were still good, though I felt I had no hope by then.

Just when I least expected it, Friday morning as I’m rushing around finishing orders and getting things packed for our weekend trip, I get a phone call with the test results. Hallelujah, great times and it meant I could enjoy our mini-vaca without worry. My MFM appt is set up for this Friday, so praying that is also all good news. Totally optimistic and relieved right now.

Our Gatlinburg trip was fun, too. Poor Kyle had to go into work at 5:30 Friday morning, after staying up past midnight. Then work eight hours, then drive four. We hung out with Kyle’s aunt and uncle, ate several good meals, walked the strip, visited the aquarium, and I enjoyed a couple days off of working on orders. We went to a toy store, and Harper picked out her favorite–a bag of rocks. LOL..she had fun in the whole store, but definitely getting the most use out of these colorful gem rocks. She slept almost the whole way home, which was a great, easy ride. We all needed to catch up on sleep after attempting 2 nights on a pull, out couch bed full of springs. Cooper was happy to see us and Kyle was even happier to see Cooper! First time away. I think he had fun at his cousins’…playing with other dogs.

Favorite quote of the week: This weekend she sneezed, and then said, “Bless you! Thank you! You’re welcome!” afterwards. She’s so funny.

Hope everyone has a good week. My prayers have definitely been answered. God is Good.