We Miss You So

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. A local family laid their baby girl, Wyncie- 3 years old, to rest. She, her mother, and grandmother were all victims of a car crash a couple weeks ago. Her mom is severely injured, and her grandmother didn’t survive either. I didn’t know her personally, but I do have a special 3 year old nephew in my life, and I just couldn’t imagine losing such a precious angel. And my own daughter, who I am constantly holding closer. Her pictures showed such a sweet face, and she loved dancing and Hello Kitty. I can’t imagine the family and friend’s pain.. something ten-fold anything I’ve ever personally gone through. Everyone is sad for them, but they’re on my mind a lot. I want to be a better person, for Wyncie. Such an angel, just like all little children who have to leave the Earth so soon. I know they’re in a better, higher, bigger place, but it’s hard to imagine. 

Also- Valentine’s Day last year was the last time I saw and talked to Mary Beth. She came over to bring Malichai to visit so I could give him the Valentine’s presents Rachel sent to him. I know she’s a guardian angel now for everyone, but Rachel is still really having a hard time coping, as I’m sure her own daughters are. Someone so vibrant, so full of life, now absent from this world. 

My heart breaks for these two shattered families, over and over. My biggest fear in life is car and motorcycle accidents. Just proves how fast life can be over and cut short. I pray for everyone’s comfort. For them to be able to find the light in the darkness.

Well, I hope this is the last of the sad posts for a while…