Multiply and Reduce.

I feel so blessed in life right now. God IS good. Don’t get me wrong, I have days that are plenty hard, but what an overwhelming joy it is to just be, and exist, in this world with two beautiful children. 

With more children comes more STUFF. I feel like our house is jam packed full of STUFF! Part of that is my fault. I like to keep everything, and everything has special meaning to me. “Oh, that little sticker Harper gave me, well I might want to scrapbook book it so I can remember these days. That box this toy came in, I might need it again sometime. That picture frame, I might use it, eventually.” No, no! Some things are worth saving, but we have entirely too much. It feel SO good to purge and get rid of it, lately. Anytime I put something else it the garage sale or give away box, it makes me feel good, and like I’m one step closer to a clean house. The last few weeks, I’ve spent all the time cleaning. And yet somehow my house still isn’t clean? But it’s getting there! At the end of the day, I can put up a few things, and it’s overall clean. We are in the process of making my “craft room” the kids playroom, so they can have a space for ALL the toys. I’d rather sacrifice my space, than the whole rest of the house, for the toy storage. Besides, their bedroom is full enough as it is. This comes with a compromise, as I’ve decided to turn the “dining room” into my office. Instead of being a crazy chaotic craft room, I just want a nice, professional, set-up. Looking forward to seeing that come to life, and it’s my inspiration to get rid of more junk. 

We have been so blessed, however, in which we’ve accumulated everything. I didn’t even have a shower for Max, and yet we have everything we need and more. Harper gets a new toy or something, it literally seems like every day. I counted once and it was like 15 days in a row that she got something new. This is good and bad. Good because it just means she has that many people that love her. The love pours out from our family, and it’s a token of appreciation/love to get a gift or treat. They want to spoil her and treat her, as do we, the parents. Between four sets of great-grandparents alone, she gets lots of goodies. Then the grandparents, great-aunts and uncles, aunts and uncles, mom and dad, friends… let’s just say I appreciate it all!! I love to get her stuff myself. Kyle and I are both very guilty of it, too. It’s hard not to, because I know at the time, whatever it is, will make her smile, and that’s worth everything. BUT, some of it’s gotta go! Luckily, many of her toys are unisex and can be used again by little brother. The clothes I plan to use again someday for another baby. The bad part is getting rid of stuff, because like I said, it means something to me. Every little thing, and I don’t know where to start with her stuff. (Maybe that’s why she’s getting a whole room to store her toys.) The bad part is, maybe not right now when she’s two, but later on.. I don’t want her to feel entitled to something new every time she sees someone, or we’re out at the store. To expect it. To think she needs it to feel happy. I mean, an important lesson in life is to have what you love, but also to love what you have. To appreciate what you have, and not necessarily need more. To appreciate the new toy you just got, instead of throwing it down the next day for another new toy. To take care of the things you have, instead of knowing you can just get a new one. To truly appreciate nice gifts, from the person who gave it, to show gratitude. And to have time to appreciate it instead of always having the next new thing. To not feel bad and heartbroken, when we say no to something. To not see a toy in a magazine or on TV and automatically think you need or want it, and then to expect it to be bought for you. To let your hard work pay off, and work toward buying something yourself, and know that feeling. And the main one- to know it’s better to give than to receive. Oh it’s so hard, it really is, because this is setting her up for a lifetime of entitlement, if we keep on. She means the world to us, and we want to spoil her. She deserves whatever she wants, in our opinion. But there’s a line to be drawn, and limits to be made. I want a genuinely appreciative and gracious child, not a spoiled brat. I hope we figure it out sooner than later. We definitely realized at Christmas time how overboard we went there. And what a silly, but “good”, first world problem to have. Some children don’t have shoes to wear, or sheets on their bed to sleep in, or even a bed. And I’m complaining because she has too many toys. But that’s the point I think, ultimately. Our money could be going toward things much greater than a new set of stickers or a new hello kitty. It makes me sick to know she has so much, and other kids so little. I’m working on that. I’m praying for God to direct me to be strong enough to have self-control in purchases, confident enough to stand up for this belief among others, the ability to get rid and give to those in need, possibly setting up an organization in the future to pay-it-forward with our unneeded things to those who do. That would be ideal.

Until then, stay tuned. I know from my own experience how it is to be spoiled, and can see others in even worse cases, so I can speak on it. We all have good intentions, but they sometimes lead to bad outcomes. Besides becoming a brat, just being a packrat, for example. I can look around at all the clutter I’ve lived with for 24 years and know that a more simplified lifestyle is to be desired. Simplifying our life has become a great task ahead, but it’s already paying off. I haven’t had much more “extra” time without TV, but I’ve had some, and it’s nice. I will have more time to spend on doing the things I want to do, instead of cleaning up so much, with less stuff. That I’m looking forward to. 

Harper Girl

For some reason it seems as most people’s preconceptions of stay-at-home-moms (SAHM-gotta get everyone up to date on the internet lingo) is that they have tons of times and opportunities to nap…or blog for that matter. Well, nope, I have time for neither. At least I know I never want to be a blogger as my profession because it would never get done. The RARE occasion that BOTH children are napping at the same time, will give me an hour if I’m lucky, and then I need to jump straight in to housework. I spent yesterday cleaning, and a good bit of the morning attempting to as well, so I finally am able to sit down (guilt-free) for a few. This is usually the time I brew my second cup of coffee. I am happier and more focused that way.. it’s like my reward for making it to 3:00.

Harper wasn’t mentioned much on my last couple of posts, because I felt she needed her own post. We are almost at 2.5 years old.. and she’s just awesome! We always think that, but I think Kyle would also agree, this is a super fun age. Her personality completely shines through, and it’s interesting to see and hear all that she has to say throughout the day. I’d say she is pretty demanding and high maintenance; she knows what she wants, and wants you to understand her. She will always make sure you understand the harperism she’s trying to communicate, but she also can speak well for a 2.5 year old. She remembers everything you say, too! I always wish I had written funny things down throughout the day, but then usually forget to. I just love our conversations, and how girly girl she is. Like the other day, I made a big deal saying, “On Wednesdays we wear pink!” And then it was Monday and she said, “On Mondays we wear pink!” No..that’s Wednesday. “Well I have on a pink shirt today too!” Or today I asked her if she wanted to go to BabiesRUs, and she said “Yes! What can we get Max? We can get him a pink cradle!” She usually tells Kyle, “Put Max down! Put him in the cradle or hand him to Mommy. Let’s play in my room.”

Some of her favorite activities:
Playing with stuffed animals. And you have to play too! She always says, “this is Harper, this is Daddy, this is Mommy, etc, etc” or “I’ll be bunny, you be Penelope, Max can be the frog.” She personifies every animal, everywhere.
Helping out. I introduced her to cooking, so now anytime I’m in the kitchen, she has to get her step stool, and have a spoon to stir something. She helps me empty the dishwasher, fold clothes, make the bed, put shoes away, water the plants, feed the animals.
Eating. What can I say? Girl loves to eat. Her array at lunch time includes: yogurt, hummus, crackers, cheese, plain bread, applesauce, berries, bananas, leaves and ranch, noodles, chips and guacamole. She wants options.
Playing with Max. She’s not big on wanting to change diapers, but she loves to check on baby brother, make sure his toys are where he can see them, make sure his blanket is flat over him..not bunched up, overseeing bath time, attempting to feed a bottle, helping me pump a bottle (lol), picking out his clothes, and singing songs
Playing with Daddy. Everyone knows she’s a daddy’s girl. If he’s around, she is all about him. He only lets her do what she wants to do, so she’s extra whiney around him. They have lots of fun together though..wrapped around that little finger.
Tea parties. Play dough. Coloring. Stickers. Sandbox. Water table. Being outside.

We have eliminated cable, like I’ve mentioned, but went a step further and took the TV out of the living room recently. Crazy, right?! And yet I still don’t have any extra time. We did it because I rearranged until we get a new sofa, so it’s probably just a short term thing, but I’m not minding it. It took her a few weeks to even notice it wasn’t there. She and Kyle watch her shows upstairs some nights.

Potty training! We are in week two of official panty-wearing-all-day potty training. Everyone says it’s that easy.. they have no choice but to use the potty once you make the switch. We feel she’s definitely smart enough, though she never has made the connection to tell us before she has to go (which is a sign of being ready.) I’ve been putting it off for that reason, and because it means staying at home vs doing errands, and of course cleaning up pee! But we finally were ready to take the plunge..I would like to quit buying pull-ups. First week was like a trial, with setting the timer often. One day I think we had 5 accidents somehow in one hour. Then I wised up and got a sticker chart…that’s going pretty well. It’s more of an accomplishment for ME, if I can get the row filled up for the day, I’m more excited about it, haha! One day she said, “My panties are wet; I want a pull-up.” Then sometimes she cries if I say she needs to put on a pull up (bed time or car ride) because she wants to wear panties. After two weeks, I’d say she would go back to pull-ups no problem if she had the choice! It’s a lot of work for both her and I..she doesn’t like taking breaks from playing and I can’t get much else done, since it requires constant supervision. But we’re going to keep pushing through. Some days she doesn’t have any accidents, and like today, a big one. My floors are getting mopped extra good!

What else? I guess we just love the fact that she’s becoming more independent. Kyle never liked the thought of leaving her somewhere (like Sunday school), when she was too young to understand where and why she is there, and that we would be back soon. Now, she understands, wants to go, has a good time with her ‘friends,’ and can tell us what she did while she was there. She can tell us if she’s hungry, sick, or hurt. And she finally understands about nap time! It’s taken long enough… I posted on Facebook, but I was almost in happy tears the other day for the first time ever where she went by herself and laid down on purpose to take a nap. It was awesome! (Another story when Kyle is home) but naps have come a long way.

Harper will be starting Mother’s Day Out this fall, two days a week, a few hours a day. I just want to see her in a social atmosphere. She loves other children, and I think a routine, with age-appropriate activities will be so fun for her. They work on potty training, if we’re not fully there yet. My big concern was about the nap time, but they say some children just have “quiet time” instead. I’m curious to see how that goes. We have to be there at 8:30 am, yes AM :-O, so our bed time will have to change big time! I think an earlier shift in our day will be a positive thing.

That’s about it! Harper is a great, caring, sweet big sister and we are excited for the rest of the year, and some fun in the sun.

Nursery and Toddler Room!

Better late than never, here is our gender neutral, animal theme nursery and toddler room! It will be a work in progress for a while..still need a matching frame over the crib, area rug, new crib skirt, and I’ve since added a coordinating mobile over the crib. I was torn about what to do with the bumper, since they aren’t recommending them anymore, but the room did not feel cohesive until I added all that. I’m happy with it for now. Harper loves her room so that’s what’s matters! I think Max will approve too 😉 Somehow every room I decorate ends up with the same color scheme. Up next will be the office/playroom when it’s officially clean.


And, embarrassingly I’m adding this picture (left). Last week, this was our garage and I could NOT go into labor with it looking like that. My to-do was so important because about 5 things involved this garage and I hated thinking about it staying this way until spring, and when people are over at my house and open the door to see this. Besides.. once we get our garage remote working, I’d LOVE to park here asap! I’m pretty proud of it, because I cleaned it all myself in a few hours. I even finished it off this morning by taking a huge load of cardboard to the recycle place. Another work in progress, still a lot to eventually get rid of on the left side, but there’s enough room for my vehicle and it looks more orderly. Phew! Oh yeah, I also organized and deep cleaned the “dining room,” fridge and all cabinets/drawers in the kitchen, our’s and Harper’s closets, so that’s definitely nesting! Somehow the house still doesn’t look clean but just a few more things 🙂



16 months!

Harper deserves her own update today because she’s officially 16 months old!

Our little bundle of sweetness absolutely loves:

going outside
hugs and kisses
rocking her baby
playing with animals
playing on the iPhone
feeding the neighbor’s donkeys
barking dogs or hissing cats (and to imitate them)
taking little things in and out of a box or bucket, such as easter eggs, balls, little animals

She can say A LOT! I accidentally told the doctor she says about 8-10 words, which is what’s expected… but it’s more like 30+! And grows everyday. We’ve been keeping a list. Some words, she just imitates the sounds I’m saying, but many she really knows.

bye bye
thank you

She does funny things every day. Her favorite thing now is to “hsss hsss” like a kitty, or “rfff rffff” like a dog.  I went out the room for a minute the other day, and come back and she’s up the the big chair with the cat, watching tv. Crazy how big she’s getting. And she’s such a mommy and daddy’s girl. At different times of the day. Very attached of course. Other times, she’s really independent. I was surprised how social she was at a get-together of about 35 people.. she walked all around, not being shy at all. Maybe because there were a lot of familiar faces. I hope she’s more outgoing than her parents were.

Also want to add:

She just got her 8th tooth pop through on the bottom
Loves eating bigger pieces of stuff now..buttered noodles, turkey, ham, crackers, cheese, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, and yogurt among her favorite things to eat.
Anytime she finds a rag or washcloth, I see her go around the house and dust things, like she’s seen me do.
She loves to play in her or my kitchen. Spoons, cups, bowls, etc, are so much fun.
Favorite song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Loves stickers. I use vinyl a lot and she wants a few polka dots on her hand.
Also likes to put them all over daddy’s face.
She’s very helpful when I’m working and copies everything I do. I think she’ll be of actual good help pretty soon, I may have to hire her 😉
She likes Cooper, but makes it clear she doesn’t want him on her stuff. He’s very gentle and loving of his big (lil) sis, and also wants to be center of attention.
Sign language is still going great too, but talking is even better.
Brushing teeth…not so good, that’s a challenge every day.
So is getting her to wear headbands or bows 😉

Other than that, everything’s going well. Her excema cleared up with a prescription. She usually goes to bed now around 8 or 9, and wakes up around 7. We are ready for the summer and swimming! Here’s some of my favorite iPhone pictures in the last month.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage