Sunday school.

Just shared the link to my most intimate, personal story with my Facebook friends, and most importantly my real friends and family. So…welcome. I don’t like to feel vulnerable or let people in, so this is a big step. But I have the blog, I want to be a writer. I enjoy keeping notes. Time to share  because I’m ready to move forward with everything and have no unneeded weight/baggage riding on my shoulders! I also want to be inspiring, like I said, to others going through the same thing. It’s comforting to know someone else is experiencing similar circumstances. So to my readers. Have a great day..thanks for clicking the link! Hopefully you can take something from this, even if it’s just reading someone else’s business to cure your boredom! 

I thought I should do one more update since my last post isn’t typical. I mentioned that we were trying and hoping Harper would go to Sunday school and we go to church. That Sunday, she did! Yay! Although Kyle was probably a nervous wreck, we got to hear Pastor David’s testament that morning, and it was so refreshing. Sad of his circumstances, but God is always in control, and he still has so much faith. Anyway, the next Sunday Dave Ramsey was the guest speaker. I really wanted to hear him speak. We spent the hour at church in the hallway, with Harper. She was too sleepy to go on her own to class without crying, and we (Kyle) chose not to force her to something she isn’t comfortable with. Needless to say, I still heard the overall message Dave was saying, on the tv screen. 1. Make a budget..”on paper, on purpose”  2. Get out of debt. 3. Save money. 4. I think it was like be on the same page as your partner or something..missed this one. 5. Tithe. Easier said than done, Dave. But the budget thing is a great place to start and get back to. We used for about 2 months. I just hate budgets! My allowance runs out so quickly and there’s still so much I want/need to buy 😉 

Next Sunday being Easter, not sure how Sunday school will fare. Definitely can’t wait to hear the message. It’s also a big offering weekend at Long Hollow, so will finally be personally contributing something to a spiritual cause. 

Woohoo!! Just got the other package I was expecting today.. full of unfinished frames! Now it’s really time to get to work.