Max – 7, 8, 9, and 10 weeks!




Well I think an update is warranted, especially after yesterday. We had our 2 month check up (a little late, as he’s 10 weeks today.) Little man is perfect! Weighing in at 15 pounds, he’s full of cute little rolls. He is 92% weight, 80% height. Harper also started out in the higher percentiles at first, averaged out around 6 months, and then was in the lower. But, she didn’t weigh what he does until at least 5 months. Thus, I don’t carry Max into places in the carseat very often. I use the stroller or the Ergo. Our double stroller is so heavy that I only save it for special occasions when I know they both need to ride. Our biggest feat lately is Max sleeping through the night. It is ah-mazing! I know I’m very lucky, but I give all the credit to the Halo SleepSack. He was sleeping for several hours at a time in the Rock N Play, so I decided to try to crib. Also Harper’s been back in our bed, and he can’t be also, so I knew crib would be best. He would sleep in there like 3 hours at a time, or less. I thought to try swaddling. We didn’t with Harper, but I know lots of parents who use this method. Magic, for us! The SleepSack was actually a complimentary one we received at the hospital, which velcros around baby and their arms so they are snug. So I gave it a try, and he slept through the night! Ever since, for a few weeks now, we have used it. I love knowing when I put him to bed at around 8, he’s not going to wake up until at least 5 am usually. I can get stuff done, have a glass of wine, or sleep! Last night he slept 9 hours. I just wish there was a way to reward babies, because Max would get ALL the stickers!  At his doctor’s appointment, he just smiled and cooed, even at Dr. Mishu. And so far, so good, on his shot reactions. He seems to be feeling just fine, maybe sleeping a bit more than normal.

Other news: As you can see in the pictures, time is still flying, and he’s just getting more handsome. We got the “Baby Crack” Piano Mat after hearing rants and raves over it, and sure enough, Max loves it. It keeps him entertained for quite a while sometimes. He spends more time in his swing lately, than the RnP, but is napping less during the day overall. He gets bored easy, but always smiles again when I (or most anyone) talks close to his face. He loves riding in the Ergo, and always goes right to sleep in it. I use this for grocery shopping, and push Harper in the cart. He prefers this over the stroller, usually. Breastfeeding is still going well. I feel much more comfortable this time around. No trouble latching or anything, and figured out how to use the covers, so I’ve even nursed in public (NIP.) Mainly at our small group, and around family, but I consider that public since it’s not shut behind closed doors alone, also at Harper’s preschool gymnastics class, where it’s mostly SAHMs doing the same. I just feel great that I have enough confidence to do that and not have to be left out of conversations anymore. Hopefully one day breastfeeding won’t be such a shock to the general public, where girls in skimpy bikinis seem to be more accepted. Biggest challenge will be getting him to take a bottle. I’m late to work on that, so he rejects it. I want to try fresh pumped milk soon to see if that works, and I have two different bottles to try. That would allow me to leave him for a couple hours and do errands, need be. Or maybe a date night eventually?! 😉

Anyway, April is a fun month for us. Besides being spring and the weather warming up, there’s Kyle and my birthday, and Easter. Kyle took off two days last week, and we enjoyed a day relaxing at home, and then a day out shopping at Opry Mills. We didn’t get to do much shopping, but we did get a peaceful lunch at Chuys! Kyle and I love to eat there, and haven’t been in quite a long time. The kids stayed asleep in the stroller while we had our Baja Shrimp Tacos..mmm! Then Harper woke up, and had a quesadilla. After a trip to Build-a-Bear and Carter’s, they were ready to go. Guess I’ll have to make a solo trip to get any REAL shopping done! 😉 The kids and I got Kyle a guitar for his birthday. He’s been wishing for one for like two years now, so he was excited and has been practicing and teaching himself every day since. I have a nice day planned for my birthday, going to eat with my Dad and Grandmother, then maybe some more shopping.

6 Weeks on the Outside

Our mind is blown with how fast our little man has grown! Though it seems he’s been here way longer, these six weeks have flown by. Max weighs 13.1 pounds, up about 4.5 since he was born. This means he only fits in a few of his 3 month clothes, most of the sleepers still, and I will be washing 3-6 month clothes for him this week. He’s already wearing 6m pants to fit around that belly! I love his little rolls, much different than Harper, as she never had any. That or hair, which you can see he still has. 


Max mostly sleeps in the rock ‘n play, beside our bed, and wherever I put it throughout the day. He sleeps about 4 hours, then 2, then more 2-3 more if I let him and we all sleep in. I suppose I’m used to it or have still just been getting enough sleep, because I’m no more tired than usual. He loves bath time, and riding in the Ergo carrier. Also, if he’s in the carseat, he will sleep the whole time for hours. Wherever we’re at, he’s always asleep in the carseat and I have to wake him up to show him off.

These last couple of weeks have been good. Kyle and I decided to simplify our lives a little by getting rid of cable. It was a mutual decision, brought on by our annoyance and awful customer service of Comcast. Since we have Netflix, and don’t watch much TV any way, it was an easy choice, that saves us $100/month. We still get high speed internet, and local channels, so we watch that some. The Bachelor is safe! (Although can we not talk about how horrible of a season it was.) Then, I further decided Harper doesn’t need to be watching much TV anyway, so I try to keep it off all throughout the day, when it’s just us here. That has been great! It’s much more time consuming for me, to keep her entertained, but that’s what I’m here for! She’s been doing more make-believe, reading, playing outside, etc. And best part, she doesn’t really miss it! She doesn’t ask during the day, and only occasionally, which is what we want. I’ve definitely had to keep reminding Kyle and explaining to him how excessive TV and iPhone games can be detrimental to little one’s brain development, attention span, and all that. Nap time.. still going strong! I’m one happy mama.

All this, and the little attempts I make to keep the house clean, plus weekly errands, doesn’t leave much extra time for anything else. I’ve yet to go in my craft room to work on anything in there. But…I did start working out! 6 weeks means I’m 6 weeks postpartum and can add much needed exercise to my life. It will be a big challenge, but I hope to be able to complete the p90x3 program, which is the 30 minute version. It would mean a lot to me to actually stick to, and finish, a program, so that’s the goal I’ve set for myself. The first 30 days will end on my birthday, so I’m anxious to see some good results. It’s hard on one’s emotions, pride, and self-esteem to go through motherhood and two child births, and then look like I currently do, in a bikini. I’ve also decided to give up sweets and desserts this first month, so I’m looking forward to both challenges. I’d like to be back to pre-pregnancy weight as soon as possible, and to start doing something I haven’t done in years, and barely at all- weight training. I’m motivated now more than ever. 

So, that’s our world. Just loving on our little bundle and our growing 2 year old. Today reminded me that I also need to be taking pictures of her! She doesn’t always cooperate with the camera, but she’s having milestones now too. And, extra bonus of less TV and more play, she’s definitely been more positive toward me lately and that makes my heart smile so much! It’s okay to be daddy’s girl, as long as she’s mommy’s girl too! 😉 We have spent a few days lately with Rachel and Malichai, as they are preparing to move to Las Vegas. Sad day, but excited for her new journey, and hopeful that it’s everything she wants it to be. They are leaving Wednesday, so one more day to get things packed.. we may go help again, and score some more goodies that she won’t be taking with her.

It’s finally ALMOST spring ya’ll!! No more cold weather after today, hopefully. Here are his 5 week pics too!


MAXaroni- 1 month down


Yay I kept a newborn baby alive for a whole month! Time is flying!! I knew it would. Our little man has already been here for a month, and is growing like a weed. Coincidentally since February is a short month, also 4 weeks today. So I don’t have to choose between the 4 week and 1 month pictures..makes it easy. He has been great. Nothing really new to report, other than our 3 week check up. Max was weighing in at 10 lb, 10 ounces. He’s in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. So was Harper at first, so I still don’t think it really determines anything. However, we have a quick growing boy right now! I’ve started stocking up on 6 month clothes because only 1.5 lbs to go before he’ll be in that size. Goodness! Though I already miss my little “tiny” newborn, I’m so excited for the next couple of months. I’ve got a couple grins from him, and we will keep seeing more of that. And can we say….SPRING! 2 weeks away, people. I love love spring and Easter and hope the weather warms up to go along with it. We have our birthdays to also look forward to next month, and then comes all the other new babies! 🙂

Speaking of spring, today’s Max’s second snow day. For some reason.. I’m not adamant about getting pictures of him in it, because it’s ehm.. super cold! Maybe I will later. In honor of that.. here’s a picture of both of the kids’ first snow days, when they were each about 3 days old. Is that the same kid?!


It was supposed to be my first day solo with two kids, but we got to keep Kyle one more day! I know he and I both are looking forward to him going back, though we will miss him getting to stay home as well. Naptime with Harper will continue to be a struggle I assume..interested to see how she does with ME in charge again! Maybe it will go better… Fortunately she loves her new baby brother! It took her a few weeks to get used to him, but she always wants to help out and check on him. She’s even reminded me to change his diaper 😉

This next picture I wanted to include, to show off his pretty skin, no baby acne here. He’s perfect! And still only wakes up about 2 times per night, so we are all happy. Gas troubles sometimes can be the stressful thing. I gave him a paci (wubbanub) for the first time today, and he liked it. We don’t want him to be reliant on those, but if it helps him self-soothe, hey I’m open to try! And then his giraffe pic, looking too big and mature!


Week 3

1 day v 21 days (not much change in these!)

Three weeks have come and gone, and I have a super special milestone to report.
Harper is showing more interest in her bubba! And me, for that matter. This makes my heart smile! She’s been a total Daddy’s girl lately, and not wanting much to do with me when he’s around. She always likes Max, but still from afar. The last two nights she has been extra loving, wanted to sit with me on the couch, and asked to hold him. Yay!! The start of sibling love, indeed.

We had a challenging few days with her. Though Daddy’s been around to give her plenty of attention, it’s definitely a big transition for everyone, and I am glad she is finally getting adjusted.  She’s full-time in her own bed, so that’s a change. And we have began implementing an actual bedtime routine as well. Still working on the naps being “regular,” but to Kyle’s amazement, we are making progress there too. She’s starting to become okay with the process of going to sleep. I think once he goes back to work next week, we will get in an even better flow, schedule wise. The rough days were when our schedule was completely off, and she would nap late, or not nap at all, causing her to be grumpy and extra whiney. Harper? No way! 😉 I felt bad for Kyle at times because she is literally 24/7. Clinging to him all day. Then bedtime would take hours some nights, and she’d wake up in the night and he’d be back in there, and wake up early too. Oh well, that’s what he signed up for! He says if that’s the worst thing we have to face as parents right now, he’ll take it! Everything else has been pretty great. Four whole weeks of him being off spending time with us is awesome, and we will be sad when he goes back.

Now for Max-

Big boy! Doctor said she expected him to gain two pounds next time we go back, and she’s right on the money. He is already at 11 pounds! Thriving. I love it, means I’m doing something right. Can’t imagine what the 3 and 6 week growth spurts will be like, if we haven’t had one yet. His check-up is Friday, and I’m guessing he may get a couple shots. 😦 Already size 1 diapers.

This week, we’ve visited with all four sets of the great-grandparents, he and I went to Wal-Mart, and today to Kohls and scored several cute outfits (for him) on-sale! I figure I’m not sure how much longer he will be able to even fit in the 0-3 month stuff, so I’m buying 6 months, to be prepared!

He still sleeps A LOT. He’s awake more, but naps for hours at time throughout the day. At night, he usually wakes up twice to nurse, like 1:00am and 4:00am, then 7:00am and we get up.. or not and sleep in! That’s been nice. I’ve learned cabbage beef soup is a no-no for me to eat. That night he was up crying with gas pains, no fun.

Still has to sit propped up and slouched. But look at those big feet and belly!

He’s a pretty special little fella. Next week I’ll have to find some motivation to be productive, but right now I’m just gonna stay on the couch and cuddle my loves. Image
(Repeat pics from FB, but I like them here too.)


Max is 2 weeks old!

Max is two weeks old! Sure seems like he’s been around a lot longer.

Here are some stats:

Birth weight: 8lb, 10oz
1 week: 9lb, 5oz
2 weeks: 9lb, 15oz
Big boy! Though he seems tiny to us. I guess he’s getting enough to eat. In size 1 diapers, and 3 month clothes.

First trip to the pediatrician- Harper was glad it wasn’t her!

He eats and sleeps all the time. Starting to cry more; sometimes has gas and tummy aches. Anticipating the “3 week growth spurt” soon, and will be thankful Kyle is still off work then! He plans on taking the rest of this week, and next. Nighttime hasn’t been too bad yet, Harper is the one right now crying in the night.

Harper still keeps her distance for the most part. When daddy is holding him and she wants to play she says “Hand him to mommy!” When she’s in the mood, she will check on him, bring him a toy, sing, or give kisses. Cooper loves to smell him any chance he gets.

Max loves: being held, sitting in the rock n play, staring at the high contrast pictures behind the couch, laying in the crib but not the cradle

Nicknames: big guy/man and Sir Maxwell (Kyle’s), catbaby (Harper’s), little buddy, squishy, bubba, Maxy

Milestones: Max has a belly button as of yesterday! First official bath will be today. He finds them relaxing, and sleeps very good once he’s dry and dressed. His hair gets curly, dries wavy/straight.
First holiday was Valentine’s day. We didn’t really do anything to celebrate but make daddy a craft..and cuddle a lot!

His first public outing was this Saturday, at Uncle Roge and Aunt Stephanie’s gender reveal party. Max is getting a cousin! Another little guy to join the family, and they will be five months apart. There was about 50 people at the party, and we had lots of fun. I wore Max in the Ergo, and he slept the whole time. Harper had a great time playing with other kids her age, and still talks about them everyday. Image

Newborns make funny expressions! Experimenting with different photo ops.


And weight loss to date: about 25 pounds. It fluctuates a lot, but 15 more to go! Hoping it will mostly continue to drop off before my 6 week postpartum appointment. Then I will be cleared for exercise. Really looking forward to it, and starting to eat better. I’m good throughout the day, but then at night I want to eat everything in sight! Good thing I burn about 500 calories daily, just breastfeeding 😉

Have a great day everyone! Spring is finally coming. We are going for a walk.

He’s Here! Max’s Birth Story

I can’t believe it’s been a whole week since we were at the hospital. I’ve been looking forward to writing this, even before Max was born, so here’s our [super long] story:

Or you can just skip to the short story and pictures at the bottom.

I guess it technically starts on January 31.. my due date. I had a doctor’s appointment that Friday morning. She said I was 1cm, 50% effaced, which was progress from the week before, but meant he still was not ready yet (although he could be at anytime). She estimated early the next week, Sunday or Monday. I decided to go ahead and have her strip my membranes, to hopefully ensure I would avoid induction the following Friday. Harper and I pitied ourselves celebrated reaching 40 weeks with a trip to Krispy Kreme. I made sure Kyle had printed my birth plan and brought it home from work that night. The next two days I spent getting last minute things ready, along with a few more various attempts to naturally endure labor, like using the breast pump and eating pineapple. Fast forward to Sunday, we watched the first part of the Super Bowl in agony, and decided having a baby would have been a much better alternative than finishing the game. Glad I didn’t end up buying Max a Bronco’s outfit, since he wasn’t here anyway. I honestly soon as I marked the very last thing off my to-do list that weekend.. contractions started! Saturday night began mild ones, which leads me to think my tactics were working, and were on and off until Monday morning.

At 6am Monday, I was woken with noticeable contractions, ones I could tell when they started and stopped. This was pretty exciting, because it’s what I had been waiting for, so I texted a few family members that morning to say today was probably the day. Kyle was scheduled to be off starting that day, so it worked out well. They began 8-10 minutes apart in the morning and progressed to 6-7 minutes apart through the afternoon. Sometimes they would range from 4 to 9 minutes apart, so I knew I wouldn’t be ready to go until they were at least 5 minutes apart for an hour, like they recommend. I wanted to stay home as long as possible, because I planned to go natural. Waiting at home, with the ability to eat and be mobile is much better than being at the hospital. My doctor told me I could wait until 4 to 5 minute apart contractions, so that was the plan! People were starting to worry I wouldn’t make it on time and have a baby on the way, but I knew it would still be a while. Contractions were pretty intense at times, but I could still talk and walk around. This was maybe 2:30-3pm.

For several weeks, I had been practicing Hypnobabies, a “childbirth using self-hypnosis” technique. It involves pain management by relaxation, meditation, and keeping your subconscious mind positive and clear of fear, negativity, and worries. Exactly my kind of thing, because it goes along with my belief system of thoughts becoming reality, and I know my mind is strong.  A friend was kind enough to let me borrow the CDs and corresponding workbooks, so I tried to practice as much as possible, though I usually ended up falling asleep or not having time. I was as ready as I was going to be. I haven’t openly discussed my natural birth desires much, because it’s important with Hypnobabies to keep the positive mindset, and not subject myself to negative comments and feedback about it. When I was in the moment, I didn’t want to be thinking of those things people said, or have negative images/thoughts about things I’ve read or watched. However, that didn’t always work well since Kyle wasn’t really on board. I tried to make it clear over the past few weeks that although I would consider keeping my options open to an epidural, going in with that mindset was not happening. Anyway, during the time we were waiting at home, I finally got a quiet place and was focusing on the CD. Contractions started being about where I wanted them to be, so I called the hospital and told them we were heading in. I found out Dr. Brown was on-call, instead of my doctor, but I was okay with that. He’s the senior of the practice and I have heard great things of him. I still was hoping Dr. Rossell would make it, but was glad it was him if not. I knew the ride there would be rough, so I was just ready to get it over with and be at the hospital. Kyle’s mom was at our house at about 4:30 or so. She was staying there with Harper and Cooper while we were gone. I stayed in my room to focus until we left, during a break in contractions.

Finally getting to the good stuff… Got the hospital around 5:45pm. It took them what seems like forever to get me checked in because there were other girls in front of me, and all rooms on the “night time side” filled apparently. I got to triage, and the nurse asked me if I had an induction date scheduled, just in case. I told her I did, but I was hoping I was further progressed. Was a little worried I would somehow only be like 2 cm still. (Last time around when I went to the hospital with Harper with irregular contractions, I was only at 1cm. They just let me stay and be induced, since it was my due date.) She checked me, and said, “Well you won’t be needing that induction.” I asked how far along and she asked if I really wanted to know. “Yes! Of course.” 6 cm. This made me feel great, that I was able to wait that long at home, and this was the real deal. She immediately started taking me serious and calling to get me a delivery room. I wanted a labor tub, so they accommodated that. I really liked that nurse, except for the fact she had to do my hep-lock twice (IV not connected to anything, so I could move around). She was helpful during contractions, but unfortunately was leaving soon at shift change. Dr. Brown came in to meet us, and read over the birth plan. He said he’d be around, waiting!

I finally got in the labor tub, until I had to be monitored again in 30 minutes. It didn’t really help me relax. I was adamant about trying it out, to see how it was, but I hate getting out of water and being cold, so that wasn’t fun. My new nurse was nice, but provided little encouragement to help me relax. I found out after the baby was born that she didn’t see the birth plan until afterwards; that may have helped. She did bring me a birthing ball that I wanted. At some point, Dr. Brown came to check me again. I was still at 6 cm, after at least an hour had passed. That was discouraging! Hypnobabies says it’s better to not find out, and that’s probably true. Unfortunately, I was not listening to the soundtrack anymore, and was just doing my best to get through each contraction on my own. I “couldn’t stand the lady in my ears” anymore. Throughout the whole day I kept imagining my cervix like a flower that was opening, and that was one image that stuck and got me through. Pressure was SO intense and I was getting pretty miserable. Poor Kyle! I brought him the kindle, magazines, handheld video games, laptop, everything to keep him entertained but he didn’t use any of them. He just sat there, feeling sad and helpless for me. I think he was just waiting the whole time for me to ask for drugs and not be in pain. I kinda felt bad for him, even though I know he could have prepared himself better. He was good, doing anything he could to help me though. The biggest thing was staying hydrated and they let me keep drinking on my water. He would bring it to me every few minutes, but otherwise kept his distance, per my request. I didn’t want people touching me. I ended up spending a lot of time just sitting in the bathroom on the toilet, to be focused alone, and because the pressure there was insane. I was also hoping my water would break. Basically, I was doing all of this mentally alone. So, during that time in bathroom, in my head I finally accepted defeat. I didn’t want to feel pain anymore when I could be relaxed and enjoy the rest of the night waiting for my baby. This was the time I really could have used a pep-talk, because apparently lots of women at this point going natural want think they want drugs. Many have people to talk them out of it, like a midwife, doula, or birth partner. In hindsight, I wish I would have gotten a doula for support. It’s crucial. But I had decided, if he checked me and I wasn’t much further progressed, I would ask for an epidural.

At 7:45pm, Dr. Brown was already back to check again anyway, so perfect timing. He said I was at 7-8cm, but baby was sitting on the bag of water, so it was in the way of me progressing. I just wanted to know how much longer, and he said it could still take a couple hours if it kept on like this. He said he could break my water but it would be even more intense. Or I could get the epidural and then he could break the water; labor wouldn’t be stalled by it. I knew I couldn’t take much more, so I asked them to call anesthesia, and Kyle was obviously supportive of the decision. I was torn and felt sad and really defeated, but was crying and screaming in pain so wanted it to be over. Kyle said it was like I just lost focus, and I had. When he checked me, it must have done something though, because I immediately felt leaking. I told them something felt like it was leaking, but I wasn’t sure. They had to connect my IV and get a bag of fluid. Anesthesia got there, and I’m lying on my side in bed, or had to turn that way for the girl to get to my back. No way I was going to be able to sit up. I kept telling her to wait until a contraction finished. She was kind of flustered Kyle said, and had to wait until the main anesthesiologist got there to put it in since I was lying down. So, during this time, my water definitely broke! She was poking my back with her fingernail, to show me how the needle would feel. But immediately I told them to stop because the baby was coming! Or I probably was yelling it. They also saw meconium (baby poop), so had to call in NICU for precaution. As well as the extra nurses, and doctor, for delivery. There was probably at least ten people in there, though I don’t remember even seeing anyone, maybe my eyes were closed. I was so glad it all happened fast and I didn’t have to get an epidural. After the whole entire day of contractions, and months of preparing, I didn’t want it to end like that at the last minute. Anyway! They kept saying not to push, though he was crowning, pretty impossible not to. We were waiting on the doctor to get in and get his gloves on and stuff. A delivery nurse came in and took over, and let me stay on my side, (which was part of my plan anyway to push in whatever position I needed). When they were ready, I pushed that baby out in about 4 contractions! Born at 8:25 pm on Monday, February 3rd, Max was 8lbs, 10 ounces, 20.25 inches long. I was so proud of that! I was hoping he would be a good 8 pounds at least. It felt amazing to feel him being born. That’s exactly what I wanted, and would have been more tolerable, if it wasn’t for that killer hour beforehand, combined with a whole day of labor. I told everyone, I probably wouldn’t do it a second time, but I am glad I got this experience. I will talk more about it in my next post. I definitely got my happy, joyous cry moment, and we were so glad he was here.

I didn’t get the immediate skin-to-skin because they had to suction him real good, but once they did that I finally got to see my new baby. What a journey! Kyle went over to take pictures when he was getting cleaned up, but with all the people in there, heat cranked up, everything that had just happened, and him not eating all day, made him feel pretty light headed and almost pass out. He had to sit down a few. Kinda bummed I didn’t have any pictures taken during labor, though I’m not sure that part is something I want to remember much of. Both of us were just soaking in the fact of that our wonderful son was here. Max had a head full of hair, and I was immediately in love. I didn’t think he looked like any of us though. We bonded and breastfed, naturally he was great at it right off. Since it was so late, we didn’t have an entourage waiting for us at the hospital. Kyle’s grandparents who insisted on coming anyway were there, but I was glad. It was really special for them, and they were excited to see him first. A prize worth the couple hours wait I suppose! No one else had gotten an update since the 6cm, because it all happened so fast. Once we got settled, we let everyone know he was here. My dad, mom, and sister all came that night. It all worked out well, because I was so tired and just wanted to rest after that. Rachel brought me a double bacon cheeseburger and chocolate shake I asked for. I wanted Harper to come in the morning, so she and we could be fresh! About 10 or 11pm, I got to move upstairs. We visited til about midnight. Then, the baby nurse was waiting for Max’s temperature to get warm enough for him to get a bath, while we snuggled with him so he would warm up. We did all that and got to sleep about 2 or 3am. Talk about a long day!! Originally, we went in planning to name him Maxwell Denver, but I kept being skeptical once we told his grandparents the name. I still like it, but after talking about it that night Kyle and I decided on his full name as Maxwell Kyle Herndon. Finally we were in agreement for the first time over it, and that the meaningful name perfect for him.

The next morning, my dad came back to visit. Roger and Stephanie came, and were ready waiting with video camera for when Harper got there. She came with Granny Dee and G-Mama. All the people and new place made her skeptical, but she shyly met her baby brother. It was a special and sweet moment. She sat with us, as the pictures show, but then wanted to walk the halls with Daddy. Everyone visited a while. We had many more visitors throughout the day– my dad and Starr on her lunch break, Zack and Kyle went out to lunch at some point, Jessica came, and Steph and Patrick stopped by after work. Also Max was visited by our pediatrician, lactation consultant, and got a hearing test. Good day, but once again we were tired and were able to get some rest that evening. We got to spend a lot of time cuddling and loving on little boy. Of course, I had to take lots of pictures in several outfits. Nursing was going great. The next morning, little guy got circumcised, and we were cleared by Dr. Mishu and Dr. Rossell to go home by about 2pm. Kyle was tapping his feet ready to go by 11am, so that was good. It took a while to get paperwork from the nurse and everything packed up and ready. I gave out my last nurse tumbler, and she escorted us to the car and off we went, a new life in tote. It was time to bring him home to meet Cooper and kitties, get adjusted back at home, and begin a new journey raising two children: a sweet new baby boy along with an awesome big sister.

Short story: I was going for a natural, med-free birth. Contractions started at 6am Monday morning, I labored at home all day. We checked in the hospital about 6pm and found out I was at 6cm. Happy about that. About 7:45pm, the doctor checked me, I was at 7-8cm. I was too miserable and didn’t know how much longer it would take, so regretfully, I had them call anesthesia. Luckily, I didn’t end up needing it, because shortly after, my water broke. While the anesthesiologist was prepping my back, I told them yelled at them to stop because the baby was coming! I had to wait for the doctor and everyone to get ready, and with four contractions of pushing, he was here! Weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz, 20.25 inches long, Max was born at 8:25pm, so that whole thing happened very quick. But he was perfect and had a head full of dark hair!! The all-day contractions and last hour of super intense pressure was the worst part, and I think if I had a doula for support, I wouldn’t have caved and asked for meds. All in all, it was quite the experience and Kyle and I were extremely happy to have our son. We had a few visitors that night, and then it was time for Max’s bath and well-deserved sleep, with our wonderful new baby.

Here’s our story in pictures:

40 weeks, 3 days
ImageImageImageImageImageGood size baby!ImageHere was funny because I was worried about him being “upside down.” They told me, it’s okay, he’s been upside down for months.ImageImageImageImageJust feeling happy and relieved. ImageImageThat sweet face!ImageImageImageImageImageImageIMG_6039 IMG_6029 (1)IMG_6030IMG_6104ImageImageImageIMG_6167ImageImageImageIMG_6070 (1)ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageIMG_6153IMG_6134IMG_6132ImageIMG_6138ImageImageImageImageIMG_6172ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Anytime now, Maxwell!

Hang on to your hats…. yes, Max is still baking. I am 40 weeks today, and seemingly more patient than I thought I would be, and compared to most everyone else. Everyone’s anxious to meet our little guy! Although, Kyle would probably disagree about me being patient because it’s all I talk about and some nights I’m like “just get this baby out!!!” But overall, I’m not in miserable pain or super uncomfortable, as long as I can stay on the couch 😉 Maybe it’s because I’m just now feeling ready. Packed our bags this past week, and have finally got everything checked off my list, except maybe 2 or 3 items. I put off a lot of stuff but got it all done! I even made another freezer meal tonight that I had gotten the ingredients for. I just like the idea of him coming when he wants to and having the full experience of going into labor on my own. We thought he would come sooner than Harper, since it’s the second baby, but he seems pretty comfortable. A due date is just a guess anyway. They have to put a date on it, but really it should be a “due month” because a baby born 38-42 weeks is “normal.” He’s not considered late until 42 weeks..yikes! But my doctor prefers to no go past 41 weeks for health reasons, so the induction is still set for Feb 7 if he doesn’t come before then. We will still try to avoid pitocin, but I plan to update on the birth story, once it’s happened! My prediction is still valid until tomorrow! 🙂

We will let everyone know in a timely manner so don’t worry!

My appointment today showed some progression, but I still haven’t had any contractions at all. I’ve had cramps, but nothing saying labor is imminent. Harper and I then treated ourselves to a donut at Krispy Kreme, since no baby today. I had a coupon for a dozen free, so my plan is/was to take the extra box to the hospital for the nurses, if he comes this weekend. If not, I will have 12 extra donuts to eat! :-O Then, I didn’t really feel like doing much, so we just sat around and relaxed.. Just reflecting on the past two years and previous birth, the journey through pregnancy, and anticipating labor and what our life is about to be like four family members, and how Harper will react to all the changes. This time is so surreal because any night could be our very last, with an only child. Within hours of labor starting, we could be on our way to meet our son.

It’s hard to be and feel completely “ready” but spending some time in God’s word yesterday made me even more excited. I’ve always loved the verse in 1 Samuel: “I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.” (1:27-NIV). I didn’t realize that was the story of Hannah, and her words about her son. She had not been able to have children, and asked God to help her. When he was weaned, she gave him up to serve the Lord. It’s a good story! We’ve prayed for this baby, and our prayer will be officially answered shortly. Another verse I posted on Facebook: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” -Psalm 139:13-14. How amazing.. to know you and I, were created by God, fully planned out, as tiny little babies not even born yet. There’s plenty of morals here, like knowing God created us individually, exactly the way we are, and we should treat ourselves as such..his beautiful and perfect creations. But also, that we have a purpose. God chose to create you. He chose to create everyone, and currently he’s been working on Max! Max has a purpose on earth and purpose for God; and no pressure, but it’s our job as parents to guide, teach, and raise him to be good Christian man. From a tiny infant, to a toddler learning to walk and talk, to a little boy hitting his first home run, making his first tackle, scoring his first touchdown, to a young man getting his first girlfriend, his driver’s license, a diploma, etc… I am so ecstatic to think about having a son, a brother for Harper, a little wildness to the family, and ultimately man of God. This little baby will grow up and start a family, have a wife, and kids, and have to be the leader and spiritual role model for them, and help take care of us when we get old! And I look at Kyle, his brother, and other great men in my life, and think.. we have to create that. So blessed to have wonderful influences for him. It’s our job and opportunity to mold this little person into the best he can be.. and it all starts next week!

2 weeks to go!

38 weeks!


I feel like this is an appropriate milestone for a quick pregnancy update- baby is full term! Labor could happen any day now, but I’m still thinking it will be the end of the month. Still feels like he is high in my ribs. But since I didn’t go to the doctor last week, anxiously awaiting my appointment today. It would be a nice surprise if there was any progression, since there was not at all with Harper at this point. Edit: like I thought, nothing has changed. Baby is still way up there! Max can take his time and come when he’s ready… but that’s getting harder to say each day, as I become more uncomfortable. Cherishing even these moments though, the last two weeks with our world just revolving around one little person. My few days of pregnancy I have left, for a long while.

There’s something magic about being pregnant. Duh! You’re carrying around a human being. You– are responsible for taking care of yourself, birthing him or her, and then caring for them their whole life. There’s the huge anticipation, special treatment, and general excitement about meeting your new baby. It comes with a very long wait, all kinds of questions, unknown territory, big expectations, tons of doctors appointments, and a growing growing belly! All leading up to the monumental delivery, and new journey of becoming parents, the day your life changes forever. Once they get here, there’s the insta-falling in love, oohing and ahhing about how cute they are, who they resemble, photo ops, family and friends, and food!! Please order the room service asap because this mama is hungry!! I can say all that now, because I’ve been there done that, but we were definitely scared of it all. Or maybe more of anxiety from the unknown, not sure what to expect, considering all the what-ifs. A big worry.. would she even be cute?! Well, that was silly. I was biased, like all parents, but I thought Harper was the cutest thing in the world. No baby was cuter. I didn’t have an alien newborn! Now I look back at those pictures, and think aw she was cute, but look at her now..She’s way cuter. I thought I loved her so much back then, but over time, just as her cuteness grows daily, so does the love we have for her.

I remember several nights in the beginning Harper was crying, I was crying, and probably Kyle too, because we did not know what to do to make her stop and be happy. As I’ve had a lot of time to reflect the last couple weeks, my anxiety over having two has been replaced with excitement. I could dwell on worries of how I’m dreading breastfeeding the first couple weeks, how sore I will be from that and birth, the lack of sleep, going through the whole newborn stage again of not knowing what they need, or not being able to comfort the colic, or soothe the gas troubles. The concept of having two crying kids, as Harper still fights bedtime often. The anxiety of Kyle going back to work and leaving me with them both, alone. The fear of the hormonal roller coaster, that your body goes through, postpartum… aka crying all the time, and not having control of emotions, “the baby blues.” A new baby is wonderful, but with all that, and the hormone change, and adjusting to a new life.. it’s stressful, to say the least. I could dwell on all of that and probably add 20 more things to that list.  I think of how “hard” life is right now, never ending/emptying bladder, always thirsty and out of breath, sore back, more and more stretch marks, sore ribs..then I think how much harder it will be when he’s actually here, in completely different ways. But.. I’m excited and finally ready for a newborn. I told Kyle yesterday.. when we think back on these moments- 2, 5, or 10 years from now.. none of that stuff will matter. We won’t remember or care how much money we had in our bank account, what size our TV was, how cool our clothes were, how tired and rundown we felt, or even how messy the house was. We will look at our two beautiful, smart, and ever-growing children, and think back and say.. it was all worth it. 


With that said, I have a whole lot on the agenda today, and things to cross off my big to-do list in order to feel ready and stress free! Yesterday it was cleaning out the fridge, as you can see 😉 Hope to have a post about the nursery very soon!


Give a cat a hug, and have a great day!